Scroll down to meet the Banshees...
Crown Princess Cyndara, Prince Kilmonth, Prince Yandell,
General Kandour, Lord Mywerk, & the Garglans...
Crown Princess Cyndara
Garglans are hideous creatures with beady red eyes, bat-like leathery wings, tuffs of wiry black hair, and a long forked tongue and stinging tail. They were bred by the Banshees for the purpose of guarding the gold and gem mines. Throughout the course of time, many have escaped and there are packs of them living in Mists. Their favorite meal is to dine on Fee. Standing over four feet tall, they are even more ferocious when hungry, and have even been known to eat there own.
Lord Mywerk
Lord Mywerk is half Banshee and half wizard. He lives in Banshee Castle and was Cyndara's teacher. His magic is extremely powerful, and he often makes trips to the Bardic Council, where he was trained. Mywerk is rumored to be the great, great, great grandson of Merlin.
Crown Princess Cyndara is the rightful heir to the Banshee throne--assuming she can defeat any challengers after her father, King Nastae, dies. She is half Banshee from her father, and half Fee from her mother. She's not always who she seems and is able to use Glamour spells to appear differently.
General Kandour
General Kandour is the highest ranking Banshee General. He has no loyalty to anyone except himself. He disdains Cyndara, as well as Kandide and her family. His ruthless and merciless behavior is well-known and he will stop at nothing to destroy Calabiyau. During one of his raids on a Fee village, General Kandour kidnapped a young Fee and she was forced to marry King Nastae. She died not long after giving birth to Cyndara.
Prince Kilmonth & Prince Yandell
The Banshee, Prince Kilmonth, and his brother, Prince Yandell, are Cyndara's half-brothers. They abhor the Crown Princess and want the eldest, Prince Kilmonth, to become king when their father, King Nastae, passes. The brothers are obsessed with gold and precious gems, as well as killing their half-sister.